Grandmother Rutha's remembrance

Saw Khu

By Mu Hser
Karen Society of Nebraska-Lincoln

Grandma Rutha Grandma Rutha was born in August 22nd, 1933 in Leh Boe village, Ngar Pu Taw district. Grandma Rutha was a wonderful mother that taught her children, and was a good model in our community. She was married to Saw Luther in 1962 and had five children. They are Naw Heh Gay, Naw Heh Wah, Saw Htoo Gay and Saw Htoo Wah. Naw Heh Gay was a teacher and also a nurse and Naw Heh Wah was a nurse. Grandma Rutha was a mother that had lots of good character and good things that we should learn from her. 1. She was a mother that taught her children gently with a soft voice. She tried to let the children understand in a good way when they made a mistake. 2. She was a mother who liked to welcome guests. When guest came to her house, she would ask them if they had already eaten. If they had not eaten she would cook for them with love. 3. She was a mother who loved to read the Bible. Every night before she went to bed, she would teach her children to read the Bible and pray. She wanted her children to have a good life and to be useful for the future. 4. She was a mother who helped people. As a nurse, she liked to help her patients and poor people as she could. 5. She was a mother who loved education and also encouraged her children to learn and love education. 6. She was a mother who showed her smile to others, even when she was very tired. For example, when she was very ill, she would always have a smile on her face. That's why she got a name that was grandma smile or Ms. Smile. She was a good model for all mothers and other people. She died March 12th, 2013 at 8 am. She lived almost 80 years.

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Elephants This is a picture of grandma Rutha's grave that was carved in the stone as a remembrance for her children and everyone else.

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Grandma Rutha Grandma Rutha's 3rd son Htoo Gay and her cousin grandpa En Day took this picture as a remembrance after her funeral with wreaths that people brought for her.

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